焊接 demands high quality 个人防护用品, and for good reason. A welder's working conditions are physical, strenuous and tough! They work in one of the roughest industrial environments, around numerous hazards and literally face getting burned everyday. 为此,ANSI Z49.1 requires all welders to wear protective flame-resistant gloves.
焊工和切割机都需要防护性阻燃手套,以提供优异的耐热性. 但是要记住, 焊接手套的材料必须提供的不仅仅是防止切割的标准保护, 火焰, 热, 和火花. 手套 must also be comfortable and offer excellent dexterity! A common reason welders take their gloves off is due to discomfort. Many of our new welding glove enhancements address this concern.
newbb电子平台安全的皮革焊接手套旨在保护焊工免受各种焊接危害. 我们在下面强调了为什么我们已经被焊工信任了40多年!
皮革 is the main material used in welding gloves. 因此,我们认为这将有助于分解皮革的主要成分. Here is your crash course lesson on leather gloves:
The first major component of leather gloves is the cut. 大多数粘焊需要劈开皮革,而米格/Tig手套需要切割颗粒.
粮食 leather is the smooth external side of the hide. This type of leather provides durability and dexterity.
分裂 leather is the rougher internal side of the hide. 三种不同类型的分裂皮革是侧面,肩部或腹部分裂. Not all split leather is equally created. It all depends on where the leather derives.
明火燃烧皮革中的天然油脂以及皮革鞣制过程中使用的化学物质, which causes the gloves to harden and char. 焊接手套使用的皮革越好,焊接手套的使用寿命越长.
绝缘 linings help protect areas exposed to high radiant energy. 所有皮革焊接手套提供绝缘和热保护.
然而, some leather glove styles provide more protection than others, based on the type of leather and lining.
Recognized as one of the leading materials for insulation, Thinsulate™ keeps hands warm in extreme temperatures.
Often used as insulation from the cold and 热, 泡沫衬里创造了一个空气屏障,为穿着者提供保护,并提供缓冲效果.
强度是钢的5倍, 杜邦®凯夫拉®衬垫是多功能的,为用户提供切割和热热保护性能.
newbb电子平台安全’s very own H个人防护用品 cut-resistant material, Hypermax为用户提供高度耐切割和舒适的衬垫.
Boasting Nature's best insulating property, wool dries quickly, too.
Premium heavy leather welding gloves
newbb电子平台安全的优质焊机是由选择沉重的侧皮革. All premium gloves are sewn with 100% DuPont 杜邦公司注册在芳族聚酰胺纤维商品上的注册商标 thread, 焊接接缝和一个转身的皮革下摆,以保护缝合从火花和热量. 这些手套可用于中高温焊接应用,温度范围为300°- 400°.
其他 features of premium heavy side welding gloves:
我们在整个行业中都知道有大量的焊接手套选择. 我们精选的焊接皮革手套是由中等到重量级的肩革制成的.
We know welders many times are looking for a competitive price. 正如我们在上面强调的, 通过制造低质量产品, 肩牛皮皮革, we are able to manufacturer lower cost alternatives. Here are a couple welding gloves to consider:
When handling hot molded products or metal materials, newbb电子平台安全的铸造手套提供高达500º的温度保护, 取决于应用程序.
Last but not least, we carry welding gear many don’t offer. 我们为女士提供小一号的,为手指较长的女士提供XXXL号的.
*NOTE: Left Hand (LH) only available on styles 4150, 4320, and 4600Mig and Tig welding involves lower 热, 与粘焊相比, traditionally less than 200 degrees. When a welder is Mig welding, dexterity is not as important. 然而, Tig焊时, 手套需要紧密贴合,灵巧性对焊接质量至关重要. 在Tig焊时,焊工需要对焊条和焊枪有良好的感觉.
newbb电子平台安全的Mig/Tig手套比重型侧焊手套更灵活,有助于减少焊工的手部疲劳. These gloves are made from thinner, 软皮革,包括牛皮, 猪, 山羊, 鹿, 还有麋鹿纹皮革.
Below are some of the most popular styles we offer:
Mig和Tig手套是电路板制造的绝佳选择, 装饰艺术品, 汽车, 轻工制造业.
焊接手套的成本可能会有很大差异,这取决于手套的具体部件. 为了保证不同焊接手套和手套品牌的准确对比,必须进行彻底的分析.
除了我们上面讨论的, 适当的焊接保护选择应考虑热的类型, 温度接触, 处理时间, and weight of the material being handled. 我们的 ITC热博客 总结热测试,并强调哪些皮革产品最适合接触热.